Theo Karvounis, the designer of Twinkle will join Mark from Tabletopia on Tabletopia’s channel on Twitch. This episode will include a mini interview of the designer and a live play will follow through the digital version of Twinkle on the site of Tabletopia. The live play will go live on December 2, 4:00 AM EST [09:00 GMT] on Tabletopia’s Twitch Channel (here).
Theo Karvounis, the designer of Twinkle will join Mark from Tabletopia on Tabletopia’s channel on Twitch. This episode will include a mini interview of the designer and a live play will follow through the digital version of Twinkle on the site of Tabletopia. The live play will go live on December 2, 4:00 AM EST [09:00 GMT] on Tabletopia’s Twitch Channel.
- ready game setups
- custom camera controls
- shuffling and dealing of cards
- tracking player turns and game phases
- interactive zones with predefined automatic actions, and much more!

Twinke’s digital version went live on Tabletopia late October, counting already 58 hours of live play by the users of Tabletopia. You can try the game here joining any of the available set-ups (for 2, 3, or 4 players). Only the base game is available on Tabletopia. To discover the full experience of Twinkle, join our upcoming campaign on Kickstarter on December 1 here.