II. Taming the beast within



II. Taming the beast within
The Labors are getting harder as the journey goes on of the following puzzles:

  • The Stables Of Augeas
  • The Man-Eating Mares Of Diomedes
  • The Cattle Of Geryon


Realize your Herculean mental power and solve this series of truly challenging and enjoyable Labors of mighty Hercules!
This is an extraordinary Brain Teaser offering thrilling pattern-puzzle solving experiences. Themed around the journey of the great, Greek mythology hero, Hercules, this game consists of four Collections of three Labors each.
There is a progression in difficulty from one Labor to the other and from one Collection to the next.

Challenge the power of your mind and imagination and be the Hercules of puzzle-solving!

Do you have what it takes to face the challenge?
Undertake the Labors of Hercules to find out!
Imagine and guess / Try and discover / Fight and win / Solve the enigma

Each puzzle offers you three hints to help you discover its unique solution. Every time you feel stuck and in need of help, you can move towards the right direction by using one of those hints, which are included in the booklet. After all, even the great Hercules had help in some of his Labors! Enjoy this unique Herculean adventure and face the challenges alone or with the company of your friends and family!

The puzzles were designed by hand and originate in the homeland of Hercules.
The instructions in the leaflet are translated to Greek, English, German, French, Spanish and Polish.

Find out more about The Labors of Hercules at www.labors-of-hercules.com

The Labors of Hercules | Trilogy II

The Stables Of Augeas – The Man-Eating Mares Of Diomedes – The Cattle Of Geryon

The Taming the beast within labor introduces a puzzle consisting of 36 square tiles which must be placed in the correct order, side by side, to form a 6 by 6 square board. To reach the solution, you or your team will embark on a mental journey that will require you to perceive the puzzle’s underlying patterns, which can contain logical, mathematical, geometric and cryptographic elements.

The Labors are getting harder as the journey goes on!

Follow the patterns in and out of a maze of colors to clean the Stables of Augeas, figure out the riddle behind the Man-Eating Mares of Diomedes by combining the cryptic colourful geometry and work out how to connect the mystery, solar shapes to gather the Cattle of Geryon.

Country of Origin: EU-Greece
